All St. Damien Catechism Classes began today, Sunday, September 12, 2021.
The schedule for all classes may be found at:!AvsX4Yvot__SxXRk7jGAtnMoSQGK?e=ZnQXa3
The room and teacher assignments are as follows:
First Communion – Mrs. Apel: South Classroom
Post Communion to 3rd Grade – Mrs. Johnsen: North Classroom
4th Grade – Mrs. Milot: Cryroom
5th Grade – Mr. Fostvedt: West Portable Building
Confirmation 6th Grade and up – Mr. Lyhane: West Portable Building
7th and 8th Grade – Mr. Nelson: Middle Portable Building
High School 1 – Dr. Hufnagel: Middle Portable Building
High School 2 – Mr. Arledge and Mr. Ingle: East Portable Building
Classes run from 9:15 to 10:15 am. Students that attend the 8 am Mass should come directly to class following Mass.
Guidelines for All Classes:
Our classroom policy mirrors church policy: if your child is not feeling well, please stay at home.
Please do not bring food, including doughnuts, to class.
Inclement weather may cancel our class. Optimally, that will be announced before class time. Your own judgment and caution to ultimately keep your family safe will always be respected.