A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
~ St. Padre Pio
Eucharistic Adoration is offered every Wednesday beginning after the 8 am Mass and ending with Benediction at 6:45 pm. St. Damien Catholic Church needs at least two adorers to cover each hour.
Adorers are needed to cover the 10 to 11 am slot and the 11 to noon slot. Please consider signing up this Sunday, August 29, in the vestibule. If you are unable to sign-up in person, please contact our secretary at secretary@stdamiens.com with your name and the hour that you would like to sign-up

“Pure love … knows that only one thing is needed to please God: to do even the smallest things out of great love – love, and always love.”
~St. Faustina
Volunteers are needed for church cleaning on Saturday mornings after the 8 am Mass. The commitment is for one Saturday a month for one year and takes about 2 hours.
Cleaners are needed to fill 7 remaining slots on the schedule. Please consider signing up this Sunday, August 29, in the vestibule. If you are unable to sign-up in person you can sign up online by clicking here