When you pass through the doors from the vestibule into the nave of St. Damien Catholic Church, you will notice a respectful “Sacred Silence” that will ease your transition from the mundane to the supernatural and allow you to recollect yourself for assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This silence reflects the desire to show the greatest respect in the House of God and to Christ’s presence in the Tabernacle.
If you have the opportunity to arrive about 20 minutes prior to Sunday Mass, this will allow you to join in praying the Rosary and to better prepare yourself to pray the Mass.
The Sunday High Mass features Gregorian Chant offered by one of the St. Damien choirs; and special feast days, such as Christmas and Easter, are often celebrated with a polyphonic Mass.
On the first Sunday of each month, Exposition, Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament immediately follow the Sunday High Mass.
If you would like to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass, please watch Mass of the Ages, a documentary trilogy that explores the richness of the Traditional Latin Mass through stunning cinematography and inspiring stories. For more information on the Mass of the Ages go to theliturgy.org